WIAW The Bottomless Pit

Hey guys!   Time for another What I ate Wednesday!

You can head over to Jen’s blog for more info on WIAW and join in!!  

So, I have been a bottomless pit for the past couple of days.  No matter what… I can’t get full.  

Breakfast started out with a big Blackberry and Blueberry Protein Buckwheat Muffin topped with lots-a peanut butter.

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(recycled pic because I inhaled it before I could take a pic.)  I just realized I still need to share this recipe with you all… and I need to update my recipes… Oh geez….

Work was super busy, so my snack didn’t get touched.  I ate a big lunch to make up for it.

2 eggs scrambled with turmeric, daiya, nutritional yeast, and spinach, carrots dipped in PB2, green beans, and toast that was unpictured.

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After eating all that, I was still hungry… seriously?!?  So, I ate an apple stuffed with peanut butter.

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At 5 when I got home, I was about to eat my arm off.  I ate the last of my Simply Bars.  

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I think I could cry now that they are gone.  Make sure you enter my giveaway here!  You won’t be sorry!

Dinner was super quick.  Grilled tilapia, roasted sweet potato, and green beans!  YUM!

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I made sure to get plenty of protein and fiber in today since I have been so hungry.

You will have to excuse my poor pic quality.  I have been lazy and I used my phone instead of the camera.  

My midnight snack was the same as last week.  Except this week I have a picture!  Stay tuned for the recipe to come!

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**This is just some of what I have eaten…. handfuls of granola, nuts, and fruit is not included.**

Okay, so now that it is HOT outside, what are your favorite quick summertime meals?  I need new recipes so that I don’t heat up my house!!

Tomorrow, do you all want to hear about my good news, or do you want the dessert recipe??  Tough one I know!

** Don’t forget to enter The SImply Bar giveaway!!

11 thoughts on “WIAW The Bottomless Pit

  1. LOL.

    Selfish = dessert
    Sense of community and shared happiness = your good news.

    Your question made me laugh. 🙂 OK, I want the good news. I like celebrating in the good news of others.

  2. ha, i think we just ate the same meal today, minus the apple. I had banana instead with almond butter. I crave hard boilef eggs and salads durring the summer. thnk COBB!

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