Roots and Ramblings

Not too long ago, I went to a really cool place here in Louisville with my friend Kelly.  Not Kelly Ripa, my REAL LIFE friend Kelly.  I haven’t completely lost my mind and started having dillusions…yet!

Here is a pic of us from last night.  We met at Panera to work on our school stuff. 

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Isn’t she a doll???  Sorry boys, she’s taken!

Like me, Kelly is a foodie.  She knew of this really cool local place close to campus called The Root Cellar.  

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Roots is like a little self contained daily farmer’s market!   The sell all local items from produce, milk, eggs, and even local meat!

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The owner was nice, and he let me take all kinds of pictures.  

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I love supporting our local businesses and farmers!  I had just gone to the grocery so I had a lot of veggies, but I did make it out with several peaches and 2 doughnut peaches!!


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Doughnut peaches are my favorite!  I had my first one in London last year, and I’ve been hooked since.

Speaking of veggies, Luvy and I went out and picked our garden last week, and I think we got the end of everything.

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It has been so hot here, and we have had no rain that al of our plants are wilting and dying.  😦  I was really looking forward to all that butternut squash….

One other rambling before I call it a day… I JUST NOW figured out how to edit my pictures in iphoto!  Only 1.5 years too late, but hey… better late than never right???  

Technology and I are not friends.

Have you ever had a doughnut peach?

What random ramblings do you have for me today??…. and go!

Co-Host For a Day

Morning guys!  

Since I have made you guys wait all week for this… I was being videotaped by my friend Joshua last weekend BECAUSE…

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I sent in a video to apply to be Kelly’s Co-Host for a day!!  lol… I’m serious!

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When I saw that Live with Kelly was doing a Coast to Coast Co-Host search, I KNEW I wanted to apply.  I love Live with Kelly… it’s on now… and I LOVE Kelly Ripa.  Not is a creepy stalkerish way…  I watch the show every morning.  It is my sanity.  She is like my cup of coffee for the day!

Kelly Ripa hairstyle

Anywho, if I make it to the 100 finalists, I will need y’alls help to get everyone you know to vote for me!!  Mmmmkay??  This weekend if I can figure out how to upload a video, I’ll put it on here for y’all to see.  I have no pride left…  🙂

Let’s just hope Live with Kelly loves my southern accent as much as Luvy does!

In other news, Luvy and I went out to eat last night with our sweet friend Jenna at Outback!  

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Jenna house sits for us when we got out of town, so we wanted to treat her last night.  It was so wonderful catching up with her!!

Isn’t she a beauty??  She’s single guys….  😉

This weekend, I am going to be working hard on school work and getting everything ready for next week.  What’s next week you ask??

Daddy is coming to visit!  🙂

So, please excuse me if I’m a little MIA this weekend.

What do you all have going on this weekend?

Does anyone else watch Live with Kelly every morning?

Uncle Maddio’s

We love pizza.  Luvy REALLY loves pizza.

After his comprehensive evaluations were over, he only wanted one thing.  Pizza.  I have a hard time eating pizza because most places don’t have a dairy-free or gluten-free option.

After all of Luvy’s studying and hard work.  I wasn’t about to not get him that pizza.  After some researching on my beloved urbanspoon, I found Uncle Maddio’s pizza!

Uncle Maddio's Pizza Joint on Urbanspoon

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I’m so glad that I found this place.  It is close to the seminary where Luvy goes to school, and it is in an area that we really like in Louisville called the Highlands.

Uncle Maddio’s wants to do for pizza what Chipotle did for Tex-Mex.  Everything is organic and antibiotic-free, which I was very excited about.

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They also offer gluten-free pizza AND Daiya vegan cheese!!  Plus, everything is also soy free (unless you order tofu!).

I was very impressed with their selection.  Plus, they have a separate sauce they use for the gluten-free pizza so that there isn’t any cross-contamination.  Someone with celiac disease could feel comfortable eating here.

Even if you don’t like pizza, they have great salads!  If you don’t want a salad or pizza go here just to use their cool drink machine!

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I was amazed by this machine!

I ordered the gluten-free pizza with Daiya cheese, artichokes, portobello mushrooms, and sundried tomatoes.  Holy YUM!

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Luvy got the whole wheat pizza with mozzarella cheese, jerk chicken, artichokes, and sundried tomatoes.

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We even had some to bring home.

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We loved Uncle Maddio’s Pizza!  We will definitely be back!  Fresh pizza with wholesome ingredients in 6 minutes… yes please!

This was the perfect celebration lunch for Luvy!

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Do you all like pizza?  

What is your favorite healthy “fast food” place??